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For waist training, you can choose your preferred corset style based on your comfort level.
· Over-chest - not suitable for waist training
· Lower bust - more comfortable waist training
· Long line - suitable for waist training
· Short - also suitable for waist training
· Rubber or latex compression straps are great when exercising.
After you've decided on the style, the hard part comes, the fabric and the design.
From sweet ruffles and bows to mocking leathers and buckles, there are so many beautiful options. You'll want a corset wardrobe to suit your mood.
Your best size can be found by:
· Measure your waistline just above your belly button.
Check where your waist naturally curves to measure so you can match the curve of your bodice. For the waist training to work, you will choose a corset that is 3-4 inches smaller than your waist.
· Now measure the upper buttocks below the waist.
This measurement is important because the bodice can reach the upper hip.
· Next, measure under your bust. Don't strain the tape measure, just taunt.
· If you have opted for a bust corset, measure your bust from the fullest part.
Write down these measurements as these numbers will determine the size of the corset you buy. The proper length depends on your torso length, not your height.
If you're considered a "long torso" or "short torso," you probably already know this, as it affects the fit of all clothing. The same goes for corsets. So don't buy a short corset just because you're short.
If you are "long torso", you may need a long one. The same goes for tall people, so please check before ordering. Regardless of your torso length, you are likely to be very comfortable at all lengths.
They both work so length is a matter of personal comfort and choice.
Remember, we're talking about using a corset for waist training. Fashion plays an important role, but structure is also an important part.
The boning is made of steel and grommets, and the lace guard is the metal used to fasten the corset. For latex tighteners, only a sturdy material can make the inches disappear. A little less and the dress won't give you the results you want.
It may look great, but it won't help with waist training.
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