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What problems should be paid attention to when washing underwear?


Why can't underwear be washed in a washing machine? 1. The Shanghai CDC conducted a survey on 128 washing machines. The data shows that the detection rate of mold in the washing machine tank is 60.2%, the detection rate of bacteria is 81.3%, and the total detection rate of coliform bacteria even reaches 90%. This result shows that your washing machine is not clean at all.

2. Underwear is originally close-fitting clothing. We secrete a lot of secretions on underwear every day, and using the washing machine will pollute more bacteria and cause secondary infections. Science shows that the incidence of mastitis is 3-5 times higher in women who frequently wash their bras in a washing machine than by hand.

Although most washing machines on the market have a self-cleaning function, the washing machine is cleaned regularly, but the disinfectant cannot kill all bacteria, and the washing machine will still harbor dirt and evil practices. Moreover, the coat is polluted by a large number of bacteria every day, and the fluff, lines and some tiny fibers on some clothes are easy to adhere to the bra. In this way, when you put on a bra, the small fibers stick to the nipple and even block the milk duct, causing infection.

3. Ordinary laundry detergent used to wash underwear, if it is not washed cleanly and thoroughly, there will be residues. This residue will erode the cells on the surface of the breast and private parts, causing pathological changes, which can easily cause inflammation and gynecological diseases. To sum up, underwear must be hand washed.

2. What problems should be paid attention to when washing underwear? 1. Check underwear before washing. Check the underwear as a whole for unthreading or damage, and sew it up if necessary. When washing, soak for a while in a basin specially designed for cleaning underwear, and then wash with cold or lukewarm water.

Water that is too hot can discolor underwear and damage the fibers of clothing. 2. Pay attention to cleaning skills. When washing, you can gently rub it with your hands. You can use a small soft brush to gently brush the parts with soft rings, rubber bones, and beading, and then pat dry with a dry towel or dry gently. Do not dehydrate to avoid deformation.

3. Wash with professional underwear laundry soap. Many women choose to use laundry detergent or laundry detergent when cleaning underwear, but in fact, because it is a close-fitting garment, laundry detergent and laundry detergent are more irritating and can irritate the skin. Therefore, women should choose to use professional underwear laundry soap when washing underwear.

Professional Lingerie Soap is a low-irritant, natural stain removal product. And there are ingredients in it to protect the clothes, which will make the clothes soft and supple after washing. The foam produced by this substance is relatively small and clean, and it can also effectively avoid the irritation of the residue to the skin.

4. Dry underwear properly. After washing your underwear, press the water off the cup and gently pull off the cup. You can then place it on a clothes rail to dry.

When drying, the underwear should be hung upside down to avoid exposure to the sun, and it cannot be dried in reverse. When drying, snap on the back. And the straps of the bra should be flat too.

Underwear should also be hung flat to dry, do not fold them up. 5. Underwear must be washed every day. Must not be lazy.

Many people like to save their underwear for washing, which can easily be contaminated by more bacteria, so they should be washed immediately.

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